{"id":111,"date":"2015-11-29T12:56:18","date_gmt":"2015-11-29T12:56:18","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/optimumfootclinic.ie\/?page_id=111"},"modified":"2021-11-07T15:56:28","modified_gmt":"2021-11-07T15:56:28","slug":"severs-disease","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/optimumfootclinic.ie\/severs-disease\/","title":{"rendered":"Severs Disease – Heel Pain In Active Children"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

\n\t\tSevers Disease – Heel Pain In Children\n\t<\/h1>\n\tDavid Kingston
\nB.Sc. (Hons) Orthotics MIAPO<\/strong>
\nLast Updated: \n

\n\t\tWhat Is Severs Disease?\n\t<\/h2>\n\t

Severs Disease<\/strong> is a chronic pain in the heel that effects children that are particularly active in their early teen and pre-teen years.<\/p>\n

There is nothing worse as a parent than watching your child in pain<\/strong>. What can be doubly upsetting is when that pain is associated with an otherwise healthy activity such as sport or dance. These kind of activities are important for development as well as for general health so it is concerning when children cannot do them due to pain.<\/p>\n\t

Also, because the pain means the children may have to stop doing what they love<\/strong> – sport and dance – they will be less happy.<\/p>\n

One such painful condition is commonly referred to as ‘Severs Disease<\/a>‘. The more medical sounding name of Severs is calcaneal apophyitis<\/strong>. It is basically a swelling (inflammation) of the heel bone where it attaches to the Achilles tendon.<\/p>\n\t

Severs Disease Overview<\/strong><\/p>\n