{"id":59,"date":"2015-11-29T11:25:12","date_gmt":"2015-11-29T11:25:12","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/optimumfootclinic.ie\/?page_id=59"},"modified":"2020-12-05T22:55:04","modified_gmt":"2020-12-05T22:55:04","slug":"about-us","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/optimumfootclinic.ie\/about-us\/","title":{"rendered":"About Us"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

\n\t\tAbout Us\n\t<\/h2>\n\t

We give you back your life, your freedom.<\/p>\n\n

We understand this…more than most.<\/p>\n

Orthotic therapy using custom foot orthotics is a specialised field. However, in Ireland many so-called professionals claim to be specialists in foot orthotics when they are not.<\/p>\n

We, at Optimum Foot Clinic are exactly that… experts in feet – foot and ankle biomechanics in particular.<\/p>\n

My name is David Kingston and here at Optimum Foot Clinic we only deal with foot biomechanical problems.<\/p>\n\n

Why would we? We have no expertise in these fields.<\/p>\n

So, if you have a problem related to your foot and\/or ankle mechanics then we are the experts you need.<\/p>\n

What makes me an expert?<\/p>\n